Ki-tae gets down on one knee and presents the flowers… to Jang-mi’s mother. She eyes him skeptically and asks what he’s apologizing for at this point since it’s all over, and he admits that it’s not over and he wants to get her approval to keep seeing Jang-mi. Jang-mi’s mom gets another set of postcards from Dad, this time asking if she’s eaten and if she isn’t sick. She wells up with tears and chides him for taking so long to ask, while Dad eats alone and wonders why she can’t reply just once.

But it gave me something more than that. Where understanding and respect are needed as much as love. I love how the actors, director, and writers work together to turn each character into a human being. This is a story of how people come into new understanding and lift each other up. I have enjoyed each week and will put this on my favorites list on a rainy weekend. Either the chairman’s wife is very perceptive or Dad’s cheating is an open secret.

Hearing it come out of Ki-tae’s mouth like that seems to shake Jang-mi, and Mom scoffs even harder, if that’s possible. All the stuff you honestly dont care about is what makes this show endearing to me. For once im brought on a journey of people changing for the better, while for some (han yeo reum) revealing the inner kindness we all have but people failed to see. I don’t think Mom would be as awesome if the character were to be handed to another actress.

Call It Love (

Even though the chairman’s wife deliberately dropped the issue, I still wished one of the kids stuck up for Mom. I also liked how the water made Dad look like he peed his pants, but I wish the makgulli shower was real because it would have been another brownie point for Jang Mi. My biggest wish was for the mistress to sit down next to Dad and be collateral damage. Still don’t quite understand how Ki Tae conveniently forgot his mother lived with him in that house, but I’ll chalk it up to his parents’ separation was a traumatic experience for him. I just sat at my computer after the episode ended and just didn’t know what to do with myself. I mean, I’m still crying and I really love this show.

But Grandma barged in and dragged Ki-tae away from her, refusing to let her take the family’s sole heir. She laughs and says that she does want to get married… eventually. But she doesn’t think now is the time. She says she’s been burned by marriage a lot and wants to be careful until she’s absolutely sure. Jang-mi ends up making pancakes per Grandma’s request, and coaxes Mom to join them. She says she has something important to say knowing that it’s overstepping, and Mom calmly waits for her to ask for another chance… except she asks for Mom to sell her kimchi instead.

We now know WHY halmoni can NOT talk to her son about his infidelity because she enabled him. If she had allowed Gi Tae’s mom to divorce his dad all those years ago, maybe he would have ditched the slut eons ago and gone back to his wife. Not lives provide marriage not dating sub so please bookmark and download.

Real Fake (

Over at Jang-mi’s house, her mother continues to get one-word postcards from Dad and sighs. She still thinks Jang-mi is frying chicken all day, and finally hears that she opened a restaurant with her friends. Mom laments that she spent her entire life to get away from selling alcohol, and Jang-mi’s doing it voluntarily. Back in the house, Grandma thinks all of this is a good sign that Ki-tae is maturing, but Mom says the kids don’t plan to get married. Grandma catches on that what Mom is really upset about is that Jang-mi didn’t come with Ki-tae, and suggests a plan to find out what Jang-mi’s true feelings are.

Marriage Not Dating ep 5 2014Kdrama (engsub) Romance, Comedy (cttro)

That phone call with few words spoke volumes, and men the feels, so well executed by everything. And I’ll just have to chip in with everyone on Kim Hae Sook. I know she has alaways been on my good side. But never did she got sooo glowing and triumphant like she in in MND. Aside from Ki-tae and Jang-mi, I just want to thank the writer for writing Mom’s character so well. Her transformation was so well though out as id they were trying to make us hate Mom in the first place before turning the table on us and show what does being a Mom really mean.

Because in lesser capable hands, the character would seem one-dimensional. That sad, miserable, thrown aside wife just waiting to hurt anyone who came across her. Thank you for being so good, drama. Thank you to you too, girlfriday and LollyPip. The MND experience won’t be as fun without you girls’ recaps.

Grandma watches with one eye open as Jang-mi wails adorably, crying that she didn’t mean to put her through all of this and that she really likes Ki-tae now. They all smile, and legitdatingsites Mom tells her she can stop crying because Grandma’s faking it. Grandma says she’s just getting revenge for being tricked by their fake engagement, which is pretty awesome.

Out of all the shows that get extensions this one would be perfect because its not all centered around some crazy plot but the connections between the characters. Loved this episode, loved the recap…… Trust Jang mi, she has a special talent for worming confidences from anyone, even the hardest stone. Her gift is that she’s full of empathy and has intuition about people, her gut feelings are usually right. Too bad she couldn’t see what was right under her nose with her mom’s cancer.

Ki-tae goes home to calmly explain to Mom that he’s sincere about Jang-mi and this isn’t some attempt to rebel. Mom doesn’t believe that Jang-mi is sincere about him though, and accuses her of working with Yeo-reum because she plans to live her life like Ki-tae’s father—love and needs met in two separate people. I love the emphasis on family in this drama. I wish the main networks would learn a thing or two about how to write interesting family members without turning them into sociopathic bitches.

I’ve watched all the episodes 3-4 times, and dragged real life friends into it so I could talktalktalk about the plot and the metaphors and the directing choices, etc, etc. They went the cliche route with Jang Mi’s mother, which only proves noble idiocy runs in her family. Their drinking makgulli together was so cute seeing Mom genuinely smile and kid around with the price of her kimchi. Hopefully, the cancer trope is resolved quickly. Mom will get treatment, be cured, done.